March 2024

Message from The CARICOM Reparations Commission on International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery

The CRC calls on the relevant European nations to oKer full, unreserved and unconditional apologies, accept responsibility for their role in perpetrating crimes against humanity of native genocide and chattel enslavement in the Caribbean and to repair the lasting consequences of early European expansion and growth.

Message from The CARICOM Reparations Commission on International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery Read More »

Olivia Grange | Doing right by the ancestors

In tribute to the ancestors, we must continue to pursue reparations for the hundreds of years of chattel enslavement on plantations in this country. It is not enough that the enslavers and their descendants should regret the suffering that slavery inflicted on our ancestors. When you have done something wrong, you must take responsibility for it, apologise and try to set things right. That is really the essence of our demand.

Olivia Grange | Doing right by the ancestors Read More »

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justice, healing and reparations.