Message from Ambassador David Comissiong on the Church of England’s United Society Partners in the Gospel
September 6, 2024

The Barbados National Task Force on Reparations welcomes the very positive and responsible initiative that is being taken by the Church of England’s United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG) to partner with the Barbados-based Codrington Trust to invest some 18 million Barbados dollars in a joint project that will be dedicated to carrying out and documenting important research into the slavery era history of the Codrington Estates in Barbados and to improving the living standards of the tenants who currently reside on the Estates.
However, the Task Force wishes to make clear that as admirable and praise-worthy as this project is, we do not consider it to be a reparations or a reparatory justice project. Rather, we consider it to be a social justice project that is, no doubt, rooted in the strong ecumenical outreach and principles of the USPG.
The Task Force is the national body established by the government of Barbados to deal with the issue of Reparations on behalf of the government and people of Barbados, and therefore has a duty to ensure that the principles and methodology that underlie the sacred cause of Reparations are properly applied.
The USPG is the successor body to the 18th and 19th Century Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG) – the Church of England entity that owned and operated the Codrington slave plantation in Barbados for some 126 years – and is therefore duty bound to engage in a reparations discourse and eventual settlement with the government and people of Barbados. And the entity with which that discourse is to be appropriately conducted is the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations.
The Task Force would like to put on record its admiration of the Christian spirit of justice that has been evinced by both the USPG and the Church Commissioners – the two entities of the Church of England that have thus far publicly acknowledged their implication in the crime of African enslavement and their determination to make some form of recompense.
We believe that the words and actions of these two Anglican religious bodies have the potential to help generate significant breakthroughs in CARICOM’s reparations claims against both the Church of England and the national government of the UK and to help usher in a new era of reparatory justice, reconciliation and brotherhood.
We now look forward to the USPG deepening and fortifying that potential by publicly undertaking to complement its Codrington College social justice project by commencing an appropriate reparations discussion with the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations.
David Comissiong
Ambassador to Caricom,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, 1 Culloden Road,
Tel: (246) 535-6641
Fax: (246) 429-6652