Sign In Solidarity

Add your signature in solidarity with those calling for reparations for Caribbean countries affected by chattel enslavement, genocide and indentured servitude as perpetrated by the UK and other European institutions.

The Caribbean has suffered some of the greatest crimes against humanity including chattel slavery, indigenous genocide, indentured servitude and colonial exploitation. During a 300-year period, more than 12 million people were enslaved and forcibly shipped from Africa to the Americas, subjecting them to some of the most brutal conditions known to mankind.

Caribbean countries were left with underdeveloped economies and deep social challenges by their former colonisers after gaining their independence. This severely hampered their ability to repair the deep-rooted harm caused by chattel slavery and has resulted in a legacy of health crises, poor educational outcomes and high levels of debt, amongst others.

Caribbean nations and activists have long campaigned for reparation of this harm. In 2014, CARICOM issued their Ten-Point Plan for Reparatory Justice detailing a process for international reconciliation. Guided by these efforts, we call on the UK and other European governments to apologise for perpetrating historic injustices and commit to intergenerational reparations.

Join us in commemorating UN International Remembrance Day for the Victims of Chattel Slavery by helping us to collect 3000 signatures in solidarity with the reparations movement by March 25. Show your support by signing below:

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